Toastmasters Is and Isn’t as Scary as You Think

You should join

Maria Shimizu Christensen
3 min readJan 26, 2023


Photo by Wan San Yip on Unsplash

Some people are made to get up on a stage. Their personalities, natures, talents, abilities, education, and experiences set them up for speaking success. I’m not one of those people. If you aren’t already in Toastmasters, you might not be, either. If the thought of public speaking makes you want to run and hide, you aren’t alone.

The thing is, great speakers aren’t just born like that, and just about anyone can learn how to speak in front of a group. That’s the point of Toastmasters. If you haven’t heard of it:

“Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs.”

The organization has been around since 1924 and joining a Toastmasters club isn’t nearly as scary as you might think. People who join are at all sorts of stages in their public speaking abilities, and they’re all highly sympathetic because they know how you feel. Clubs create welcoming and encouraging environments, and no one is judging you. Except people who act as evaluators when you give a speech, and even then it isn’t about judging you, it’s about helping you get better, and their…



Maria Shimizu Christensen

Writer. Maker. Featured in Medium’s 2021 list of Stories That Started Conversations. I write about life.